March 2012

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AQU Catalunya and the international projects

The Bologna Process has brought internationalisation to the forefront for the universities. The setting up of the European Higher Education Area constitutes the main objective of this process and prioritises quality and internationalisation as actions to be developed. Currently, the participation of AQU Catalunya in international projects is as follows:

ERANET-MUNDUS (2011-). Erasmus Mundus ERANET-MUNDUS. A project coordinated by the University of Barcelona (UB) to promote mobility and links between universities in Russia and the European Union.

DIES ASEAN-QA (2011-). Joint capacity building project in Southeast Asia. An ENQA programme, the primary aim of which is to assure and enhance the quality of study programmes and to facilitate the recognition of credits and degrees based on shared quality assurance principles and standards, as a platform for exchange. 

JISER-MED (2011-). Joint innovation and synergies in education and research. A project aimed at promoting the objectives of Erasmus Mundus within the context of the countries in the Mediterranean region and contributing to the development of a Euro-Mediterranean area of higher education and research.

The lines along which the Project is based revolve around four main areas of focus:

  • Improving services and mobility for doctorate students from countries in the Mediterranean region.
  • Consolidation of quality assurance from a European perspective.
  • Building on good practices between research and higher education.
  • The fostering of discussion in political and strategic terms between actors in countries in the Mediterranean region through the EMED (European Institute of the Mediterranean).

AQU Catalunya works with ANECA in developing matters of quality assurance.

TEMPUS BiH (2007-). TEMPUS in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A European Community programme designed to provide support to non-member countries for the development of higher education. The programme is based on the recognition of higher education institutions as key elements in social and economic transition and cultural development.

Life Long Learning (2010-). FLLLEX. The Impact of Life Long Learning Strategies on Professional Higher Education. An ENQA project that addresses the challenges and implications of incorporating Lifelong Learning into European higher education institutions. AQU Catalunya provided leadership for the preparation of the self-evaluation methodology for these policies and strategies in universities.

JOQAR (2010-). Joint programmes: Quality Assurance and Recognition of degrees awarded. A European project by the ECA aimed at promoting multilateral recognition between QA agencies and integration of the evaluation of joint programmes by QA agencies with international recognition by ENIC-NARIC bodies.

ETRAIN (2010-). European Training of QA Experts. An ECA project to train experts in quality assurance through the sharing of experience (trained, knowledgeable, and internationally experienced experts).

QPP (2011-). Quality procedures in European higher education: Visions for the future. A third survey by ENQA on quality procedures in European higher education focusing on good practice in external quality assurance. The aim of the survey, which is coordinated by AQU Catalunya, is to identify user-orientation (good practices and expected benefits) in external review processes and explore priorities in this area at the European level. AQU Catalunya previously took part in the second survey in 2007.

MAP-ESG (2010-). Mapping the implementation and application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. An ENQA project, the purpose of which is to analyse compliance with the ESG by QA agencies. The project is based on the reports issued by the panels that reviewed the QA agencies, and its main output will be a report on the application and implementation of the ESG, on the basis of which there may be a revision of part III of the ESG, which deals with QA agencies, by the Ministers of Education of the Bologna signatory countries, especially with regard to concepts such as independence.


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