January 2017


AQU Catalunya undergoes its third external review for compliance with the ESG

Informe d'autoavaluació per ENQA

The external review panel appointed by ENQA will visit AQU Catalunya between 5-8 February 2017 with the objective of analysing the Agency's compliance with the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) adopted by the European Ministers responsible for higher education.

For recognition at European level, all external quality assurance agencies must successfully undergo an external review once every five years, which confirms full membership of ENQA and inclusion in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).

Following two previous reviews in 2007 and 2012, this is the third time that AQU Catalunya will undergo a review of compliance with the ESG. Together with the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders NVAO, AQU Catalunya is the longest-standing agency to be registered with the EQAR register.

The self-assessment report for the review of compliance with the ESG was endorsed by the Standing Committee of AQU Catalunya's Governing Board in the session held on 21 November 2016.

The external review panel nominated by ENQA consists of:

  • Pedro Teixeira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal - chairman
  • Pieter-Jan Van de Velde, independent quality consultant, Belgium - secretary
  • Karena Maguire, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), Ireland
  • Adrian Tudor Stan, University of Medicina and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" in Timisoara, Romania - student

Generalitat de Catalunya

c/. dels Vergós, 36-42. 08017 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 93 268 89 50

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