January 2018


Via Universitŕria II

Anna Prades Nebot - Project manager

Via Universitària is a new project by the Agency that was started in October. This is the second edition of a study and survey funded and conducted by the Xarxa Vicenç Vives (the Vives Network of Universities). AQU Catalunya participates in the technical supervision of the survey (design, monitoring of the fieldwork), as well as in the dissemination of the findings for the participating universities.

The Via Universitària project is an online survey of all students enrolled in recognised degree courses at universities in Andorra, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia. Its aim is to study student admission, learning environments, expectations, and experience with educational innovation, all from the perspective of equity.

Diagram 1. Stages and timetable


The aim of the second edition is to enhance the survey's impact on universities through the involvement of vice-rectors for student affairs, student representatives and QA unit representatives. In addition and for the first time, narrative reports are to be produced for each university with key indicators so as to facilitate decision making.

The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area [ca] refer to student-centred learning, although there is no comprehensive understanding of who these “students” actually are. The Via Universitària project aims to make good this shortcoming through the analysis of aspects that include the following:

  • Profile: gender, admission pathway, admission grade, family situation, % of foreign parents, etc.
  • Reason for choosing one's degree programme
  • Full or part-time study and, where applicable, the reasons for studying and working at the same time
  • Source of income
  • Class attendance and, where applicable, the reasons for non-attendance
  • Type of teaching and assessment methodologies, and an appraisal of the same
  • Satisfaction with one's experience and time spent at university
  • Involvement in life at university and use of its services
  • Prospects for the future and lifelong learning

The social dimension of higher education concerns the importance attached to students being able to complete their studies without any obstacles associated with their social or economic background. The Via Universitària survey is conceived as being a fundamental tool for establishing the profile of students and their satisfaction with university and teaching, and encouraging the establishment of university policies from the perspective of equity. In other words, this means ensuring that a student's social and economic background does not pose an obstacle to his or her studying for and completing a degree.

For more information:

Ariño, A., & Sintes, E. (2016). Via Universitària: Ser estudiant universitari avui. Informes breus, 62. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. Available at: http://www.fbofill.cat/sites/default/files/ViaUniversitaria_InformesBreus62_100516.pdf

Sintes, E. (Ed.). (2016). Via Universitària: Ser estudiant universitari avui. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. Available at: http://www.fbofill.cat/sites/default/files/ViaUniversitaria_doctreball_010616.pdf

Other studies on student life:

Other student surveys:


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