July 2018


AQU Catalunya participates in the creation of the Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR)

DEQAREQAR today announced the launch of DEQAR, the Database of Quality Assurance Reports.

AQU Catalunya has been actively involved in the development of the DEQAR project, which aims to support the transparency of quality in European higher education and how it is managed.

DEQAR allows a broad range of users to easily access quality assurance results based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), and to download the corresponding reports.

The current preview of the database includes around 400 higher education institutions, including most institutions from Belgium (Flemish Community), Croatia, Finland, Romania and Spain (Catalonia).

PDF Press release The Database of External Quality Assurance Reports (DEQAR) Launch of the public preview





Source: European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).


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