January 2019


The state of external quality assurance in Spanish universities, 2017

Under the coordination of the national body ANECA, the quality assurance agencies in higher education that operate in Spain have just released the 2017 report on the state of external quality assurance review in Spanish universities [es].

The report, which has been published every year for the last ten years, analyses the repercussion of the external QA reviews undertaken during the year with the aim of improving and enhancing QA procedures and their outcomes.

This year's report stresses the importance of achieving the overall objectives of quality assurance in higher education, which include the realisation of the potential of students, their personal development and acquisition of the skills necessary in today's world, and the advancement of research. The publication notes that while the main focus of quality assurance in higher education is the review and evaluation of institutions, programmes of study and teaching staff, the overall objectives of quality assurance in higher education must also be taken into account.


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