January 2019


University, the main link in the sought-after egalitarian society

Núria Balada - President, Institut Catalŕ de les Dones

The principle and fundamental right of equality between women and men is an essential requirement of society. This right, in addition to being recognised by legislation, must be applied effectively in all policies and areas and aspects of life in order for women and men to enjoy the same rights.

In spite of efforts in many sectors in society and government, persistent political, economic and cultural inequalities are the result of social structures grounded in multiple stereotypes associated with the family, education, culture and civil society, which are an obstacle to progress.

As regards the universities, article 5 of Act 1/2003, 19 February, concerning the universities in Catalonia, laid the basis for promoting the introduction of the gender perspective in the curriculum of all first degrees and postgraduate programmes. What is really needed however is for there to be recognition of the actual contribution made by women throughout history in all areas of knowledge and in academic and research activity.

This obviously means, among other things, training in co-education, gender mainstreaming and the rights of women and teachers in all academic disciplines, as well as promoting the work of female researchers and ensuring that their contributions in the fields of science and technology stand out.

Efforts also need to be focused on specific courses on the gender perspective and women's rights in each academic discipline. All universities, higher education institutions and research institutes in Catalonia in fact must by law ensure the effective equality of women and men in teaching and research, as well as among administration and services staff, and promote the equal representation of women and men in the different collegiate bodies and on all levels of decision-making.

Women have overcome many obstacles to enter the university system, but there is still a long way to go before their contribution/s is/are fully normalised. Special editions like this one will hopefully inform and bring greater awareness to the sector so that universities and research become, in the shortest time possible, a field of reference in the application of the gender perspective and the principle of gender equality, with the universities being the main link in the egalitarian society so highly sought after by both women and men.


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