July 2019


Endorsement of AQU Catalunya's Strategic Plan for 2019-2022

coberta pla estrategicAt its recent meeting, the Governing Board adopted the AQU Catalunya Strategic Plan for 2019-2022 [es], which sets out the Agency's mission, vision, the values underpinning the Agency's new Code of Ethics, and the strategic priorities and action steps.

The strategic priorities and action steps for AQU Catalunya set by the Governing Board for the four-year period from 2019-2022 are as follows:

  • To develop innovative actions that impact higher education and the university system in Catalonia
  • Facilitate integrated access to quantitative and qualitative data for use in quality assurance and enhancement in the university system in Catalonia
  • Underpin the international position of both AQU Catalunya and the university system in Catalonia
  • Maintain the expertise of in-house staff and external experts and contributors to enhance their commitment to their work with the Agency and their ability to embrace change
  • Have at its disposal the necessary funding and adequate human resources and facilities to handle all planned activities

These strategic priorities will be implemented through specific action steps during the period covered by the Plan.

The aim of the Agency's new Strategic Plan is to serve as an instrument that is both simple and as specific as possible to manage, with fewer strategic goals with each having a greater impact on the Agency's activities.



Generalitat de Catalunya

c/. dels Vergós, 36-42. 08017 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 93 268 89 50

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