July 2020


AQU publishes the criteria for writing reports for the certification of IQAs implementation (internal quality assurance systems)

This document is intended for use by the external review panels that undertake the site visit prior to the certification of a faculty or school's IQAs implementation when drawing up the site visit report.

The document consists of the following sections:

  1. The stipulated lay-out of the certification site visit report.
  2. The criteria for assessing standards.
  3. The difinition of good practices, requirements, areas for improvement and recommendations.
  4. The wording and drawing up of rubric charts, requirements, good practices, areas for improvement and recommendations. 
  5. The drafting of standards.

The document includes an example that helps clarify how the criteria are applied..

PDF Criteria for writing reports for the certification of IQAs implementation (May 2020)


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