September 2013

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  • Quality assurance of higher studies in the arts
    University degree courses in the Arts are offered mainly in faculties of Fine Arts, Communication Studies or Schools of Architecture. These courses include, for example, Bachelor programmes leading to degrees in Design, Preservation and Restoration of the Cultural Heritage, and Performing Arts, as well as Master's and doctorate degrees. At university level, a wide variety of courses in Master's and doctorate degrees are available.
    Núria Comet Seńal - Project manager and head of internal quality assurance
  • Analysis of the academic progress of junior lecturers
    When a university offers a young teacher a temporary lecturer's contract, it is envisaged that over the period of five years of the contract they will acquire sufficient merit to apply for research accreditation and become eligible for an indefinite contract and consequently gain access to higher categories of teaching, especially senior lecturer. In general, junior lecturers have to cope with a considerable level of dedication and time to teaching as well as research work. So what is actually taking place in this process of transition?
    Esteve Arboix Codina - Head of Teaching Staff Assessment department

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