July 2015


Start of the second stage of the Employers survey


Today sees the launch of the discussion group stage of the Employers survey, a project that seeks closer and better integration of the higher education and university system with the productive sector. This is to be achieved by way of study programmes that are more in line with the labour market and through the promotion of coordination and collaboration between universities and enterprises.

The stage now beginning entails a brief report being drawn up by each discussion group with a summary of the results of the different meetings, aimed mainly at deans and heads of studies in the faculties where the degree courses dealt with by each group are run. At the same time, work groups will be set up according to study programmes as of November 2015 to analyse these results and outcomes.

The first discussion group to meet was the one dealing with Economics, Business Management and Administration, and Business Sciences, which consisted of representatives of the management teams of Finques BCN SL, LaComunity del Alquiler Inteligente SL, Ibercaja Patrimonios, Caja de Arquitectos S. Coop. Cto, Ernst & Young, Grupo Catalana Occidente Tecnología y Servicios AIE and Deutsche Bank.


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