July 2017


Completion of fieldwork on graduates of higher education degree programmes in the Arts with 553 survey respondents

Ensenyaments Artístics Superiors

This month of April saw the conclusion of fieldwork relating to the survey on the employment outcomes of graduates of Bachelor’s-level Higher Education Degree Programmes in the Arts (EAS). Students completing their programme and graduating in 2013 and 2014 formed the object of study.

Since 2001 AQU Catalunya has coordinated the university employment outcomes study and, for the first time and on a pilot basis, this edition included the involvement of institutions running Bachelor’s-level degree programmes in the Arts, attached to the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.

The survey was conducted by adapting the tool used by university graduates in order to meet the specific characteristics of these degree programmes. This methodology was submitted to the EAS institutions last November and, subsequently, a consultation period opened in order to allow institutions to offer their suggestions for improvements to the questionnaire.

The table below shows that the sampling error according to the category of degree programme is below 15% and that the response rate is in the region of 50%.

Degree programme Population Sample % response % sampling error
Design 462 198 42,86% 5,38%
Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 68 39 57,35% 10,53%
Theatre and dance (performing arts) 135 71 52,59% 8,20%
Music 500 245 49,00% 4,57%
  1.165 553 47,47% 3,08%



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