April 2018


AQU Catalunya presents the results and findings of the 1st survey of the employment outcomes of graduates in the Performing and Visual Arts

Publicació IL EAS The Director of AQU Catalunya, Dr. Martí Casadesús, together with the Department of Education's Secretary for Education Policies, Dr. Joan Mateo, yesterday presented the heads of faculty and schools that offer programmes in the Performing and Visual Arts with the results and findings of the 1st survey of the employment outcomes of students who graduated from these programmes in the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years.

During the fieldwork, which was carried out in 2017, 552 individuals were interviewed, which accounted for 47% of the reference population. With an overall sample error for the results of 3.1%, the data are robust and reliable.

  • There is a high employment rate among graduates in the Performing and Visual Arts (9 out of every 10 graduates are in employment)
  • Graduates either work in a field that relates to their degree after leaving university or have graduate-level job responsibilities (8 out of every 10 graduates)
  • In the case of 53%, however, their jobs were part time and a considerable proportion (35.5% on average) had temporary contracts which ultimately has an impact on salaries (half of those in full-time employment were earning less than 15,000 euros annually)
  • 2 out of every 10 graduates were working outside of Catalonia (18,5%)
  • Graduates were satisfied with their programmes of study, with 3 out of every 4 saying they would take the same degree programme again
  • Languages and creativity continue to be outstanding issues that remain unresolved, as regards the requirements of the labour market

According to fields of study, the data show that for:

Music, Drama and Dance:

  • There is a high employment rate among graduates in these subjects (84% Drama and Dance; 90% Music) and they either work in a field that relates to their degree after leaving university or have graduate-level job responsibilities (82% Drama and Dance; 94% Music)
  • Nevertheless, contracts tend to be temporary (44% Drama and Dance; 42% Music) and jobs are part-time (59% Drama and Dance; 79% Music)
  • Of note is that, in Drama and Dance, 1 out of every 10 graduates stated they were working without a contract
  • Graduates were broadly satisfied with the programmes of study they had taken (83% would take the same study programme again in Drama and Dance, and 82% in Music)


  • The employment rate (73%) and the education-job skills match (71%) were below the mean.
  • 47% were self-employed and 2 out of every 3 were working full-time (68%)
  • 3 out of every 4 would take the same study programme again (72%), a high proportion but slightly lower than the overall figure for graduates in the Performing and Visual Arts.


  • The conditions of employment of graduates in Design were better that average: there was a high percentage of permanent contracts (49%), a high full-time employment rate (74%) and a high mean salary level (56% were earning 2,000 euros or more a month).
  • Nevertheless, the proportion of graduates working in a field related to their degree after leaving university or an equivalent field was lower than the overall figure for graduates in the Performing and Visual Arts (73%)
  • 7 out of every 10 would take the same study programme again, a high proportion but slightly lower than the overall figure for graduates in the Performing and Visual Arts.

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