April 2018


Guidelines for producing and reviewing online and blended learning courses

At its meeting held in Santiago de Compostela on 26 February, the national Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (REACU), in Spain, of which AQU Catalunya is a founder member, endorsed the document “Guidelines for producing and reviewing online and blended learning courses at bachelor's and master's degree levels”, in order to deal with the significant increase in new degree courses being provided these ways.

The document also includes the basic definitions for the different forms of programme delivery:

Campus-based learning is where interaction between the teacher and students requires the attendance of both at a given place and time (physical and synchronous presence), either in the same place or in places connected online for the purposes of interaction.

Distance learning is where interaction takes place in a flexible way, without the need for the synchronous presence of teaching staff and students, who can interact directly but from different places and at different moments in time.

Blended learning is where the planned learning activities set out in the course of studies combine face-to-face tuition with the opportunities afforded by online platforms and asynchronous e-learning that is interactive, open and flexible, and student-centred with ICT being an essential element of support in their delivery.

To consult the document, click on the link below:

PDF Guidelines for producing and reviewing online and blended learning courses at bachelor's and master's degree levels


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