September 2012

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Completion of the monitoring of the teaching assessment handbooks used in the private universities

AQU Catalunya has carried out monitoring of the teaching assessment handbooks used in private universities in Catalonia within the context of the DOCENTIA programme, the objective of which is to provide support to the universities in the design of their own procedures for the quality assurance of university teaching and to promote its development and recognition.

The monitoring of teaching assessment handbooks is the fourth stage in the programme, out of a total of five: the programme launch (2007), the universities producing the teaching assessment handbooks according to common criteria (2008), external evaluation of the handbooks (2009), monitoring of handbook use (2011-2013) and, lastly, handbook accreditation.

The monitoring review, which was carried out by an ad hoc committee, consisted of a check of the way in which the evaluation processes set out in each university's teaching assessment handbook are working and being applied; a discussion of the consequences of the review for the institution; verification that the conditions and recommendations stemming from the certification report have been included in the handbook; and an assessment of the degree to which the handbook is publicised and circulated in the university community. 

Document PDF PDF Composition of the review panel

Document PDF PDF Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Monitoring report

Document PDF PDF Universitat Ramon Llull - Monitoring report

Document PDF PDF Universitat de Vic - Monitoring report

Document PDF PDF Universitat Internacional de Catalunya - Monitoring report

Document PDF PDF Universitat Abat Oliba CEU - Monitoring report


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