Extraordinary call for applications for junior lecturers (professorat lector) 201531.03.2015
AQU Catalunya's CliC Committee, in its meeting on 20 March, endorsed an extraordinary call for applications for the issue of reports for posts of junior lecturer for 2015. Applications will be accepted from 20 April 2015 until 22 May 2015.
EQTeL project monitoring meeting31.03.2015
AQU Catalunya participated in the monitoring meeting of the project Enhancing Quality of Technology-Enhanced Learning at Jordanian Universities (EQTeL), held at the Princess Sumaya University for Technology on 17-18 March.
AQU Catalunya takes part in the inauguration of the 26th edition of the Education Fair (Saló de l'Ensenyament)18.03.2015
The President of AQU Catalunya, Josep Joan Moreso, accompanied the Minister for the Economy and Knowledge, Andreu Mas-Colell, at the inauguration of the Education Fair (Saló de l'Ensenyament), two important themes of which were the internationalisation and employability of higher education and university study programmes in Catalonia. The Minister emphasised that the internationalisation of university degrees is a strategy within the sphere of higher education and as such a commitment to the future.
Meeting of the scientific committee for the Employers (Ocupadors) project 18.03.2015
A meeting of the scientific committee for the Employers (Ocupadors) project was held on Monday, 16 March, to review the activities undertaken in 2014 and to start discussions on the new issues that will determine the project during 2015.
Guidelines for the validation of undergraduate studies with a reduced credit load17.03.2015
As a result of the so-called "3+2 decree" (recent legislation enacted by the executive branch of the Spanish government), AQU Catalunya has set the scope of assessment for the different dimensions of validation for undergraduate (Bachelor's) studies with 240 ECTS currently being run, which, due to a new design with a reduced credit load, need to go through the validation procedure again. The objective is to simplify as much as possible the new validation procedure and for it to focus solely on the fundamental aspects that have been modified as a result of the structural change.
AQU Catalunya attends the ECA Conference on assessing the quality of internationalisation16.03.2015
The conference focused on quality in internationalisation and answered the most pertinent questions from a quality assurance perspective. In the framework of the CeQuInt Project co-funded by the European Commission, quality assurance and internationalisation agencies have developed and tested in 12 pilot procedures across Europe a methodology to assess the quality of internationalisation at both the level of programmes and institutions. The overall aim was to provide a methodology to (self)-assess the quality of internationalisation in higher education and to help enhance the quality of internationalisation.
REACU meeting13.03.2015
REACU, the Spanish body that coordinates the network of QA agencies for higher education in Spain (Red Española de Agencias de Calidad Universitaria), held a meeting in Zaragoza on 10 March in which the directors of all of the QA agencies in Spain took part, including the Director of AQU Catalunya, Martí Casadesús.
Results of the second call in 2014 for reports on tenure-track lecturers10.03.2015
AQU Catalunya has completed the processing of applications for the issue of pre-recruitment assessment reports for tenure-track lecturer teaching staff received in the second call for applications in 2014.
Josep Joan Moreso participates in the Universities Forum 06.03.2015
The President of AQU Catalunya, Josep Joan Moreso, took part in the Universities Forum (Foro de Universidades) held at the Centro de Estudios de Políticas Públicas y Gobierno at the University of Alcalá on 5 and 6 March. The objective of the forum is to raise awareness of best experiences and practices in university management from the two-fold perspective of European universities that have achieved excellence and senior education officials in Spain who have managerial experience and are familiar with the problems and limitations of the current regulations.
Meeting with the university quality units04.03.2015
The Director of AQU Catalunya, Martí Casadesús, held a meeting with the heads of the university quality units to discuss the accreditation procedure for recognised degree programmes and awards at Catalan universities.
Meeting of the 3+2 Committee25.02.2015
AQU Catalunya's 3+2 Committee held its first meeting to discuss the issues concerning the implementation of the new structure of university study programmes based on three years for undergraduate Bachelor programmes and two years for Master's programmes.
Training course on university quality at the UAO CEU05.02.2015
The Abat Oliba CEU University (UAO CEU), together with AQU Catalunya, has organised a course for university students on "The participation of students at the UAO CEU in quality assurance for the purposes of continuous enhancement", which is to be held on 7 and 21 February and 7 March.
The VSMA Framework, available on AQU Catalunya's YouTube channel02.02.2015
The video on the VSMA Framework for the validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation of recognised university degree programmes can now be viewed on AQU's YouTube channel.
AQU Advisory Committee for the new 3+2 programme structure30.01.2015
In accordance with the agreement of the AQU Board of Management on 15 December 2014, an Advisory Committee has been set up to define the Agency's position regarding the issues to be taken into consideration regarding the new structure of university degree courses based on 3+2. The role of the Committee is to issue recommendations for the university system in Catalonia as a whole to act in a coordinated way and deliver a clear message to society.
AQU Catalunya starts a YouTube channel28.01.2015
With the aim of increasing its presence in social networks and to disseminate its activities, AQU Catalunya has started a YouTube channel.
CeQuInt: Assessing the Quality of Internationalisation23.01.2015
The conference "Assessing the Quality of Internationalisation" is being held on 26 and 27 February in Paris, an event which will bring to a close the activities of the ECA's CeQuInt project. AQU Catalunya has participated in this project in the design stage for the methodology for assessing the quality of internationalisation and in the coordination of the pilot review procedure at the Pompeu Fabra University's Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences.
AQU Catalunya makes improvements to the system for issuing and receiving assessment reference reports 22.01.2015
Following ten years of teacher assessment, AQU's Tenure-track Lecturer and Collaborating Lecturer Commission and the Research Assessment Commission has now approved a change in the system for the issuing and sending of assessment references, which can be submitted in the accreditation procedure for university teaching staff.