April 2020


Outcomes of the first calls for applications made in 2019 for the accreditation of research, advanced research and research by teaching and research staff at public universities, private universities and affiliated and partner schools and institutes in Catalonia

The various specific committees of AQU Catalunya's Research Assessment Committee have processed all of the applications to the first calls for the accreditation of research, advanced research and research by teaching and research staff at public universities, private universities and affiliated and partner schools and institutes in Catalonia.

The outcomes, according to field of knowledge, were as follows:

Table 1. Results of the first call for Applications 2019 - Accreditation of research  


Subjects T TSR F D % F
Humanities  44  2  22  20  52,4%
Social Sciences  67  4  39  24  61,5%
Sciences  30  2  20  8  71,4%
Life Sciences  25  1  16  8  66,7%
Health and Medical Sciences  83  3  39  41  48,8%
Engineering and Architecture  26  0  18  8  69,2%
TOTAL  275  12  154  109  56%

TS, total applications; TSR, applications closed with no final decision; TF, total successful; TD, total unsuccessful; %F, successful as a % of the total (excluding applications closed with no final decision).

Table 2. Results of the first call for Applications 2019 - Accreditation of advanced research  


Subject T TSR F D % F
Humanities  19  0  12  7  63,2%
Social Sciences  28  1  16  11  59,3%
Sciences  27  2  23  2  92%
Life Sciences  4  1  2  1  66,7%
Health and Medical Sciences  33  0  20  13  60,6%
Engineering and Architecture  25  0  19  6  76%
TOTAL  136  4  92  40  69,7%

TS, total applications; TSR, applications closed with no final decision; TF, total successful; TD, total unsuccessful; %F, successful as a % of the total (excluding applications closed with no final decision).

Calls for applications for the accreditation of research, advanced research and research by teaching and research staff at public universities, private universities and affiliated and partner schools and institutes in Catalonia were launched on 17 June with an application deadline of 12 July 2019. The outcomes of the accreditation procedure are given below, according to field of knowledge:

Table 3. Results of the 2019 call for applications - Civil servant academic and research staff at public universities 

Subject Trams avaluats Trams aprovats
Humanities  96  94
Social Sciences  111  110
Sciences  101  101
Life Sciences  37  37
Health and Medical Sciences  71  70
Engineering and Architecture  145  143
TOTAL  561  555


Table 4. 2019 call for applications. Results of the academic and research staff at private universities 

Subject Periods of research evaluated Periods of research approved
Humanities 19  17
Social Sciences  83  69
Sciences  7  7
Life Sciences  5  5
Health and Medical Sciences  8  8
Engineering and Architecture  27  21
TOTAL  149  127


Table 5. Results of the 2019 call for applications - academic and research staff at affiliated institutions 

Subject Periods of research evaluated Periods of research approved
Humanities  3  2
Social Sciences  30  24
Sciences  0  0
Life Sciences  1  1
Health and Medical Sciences  0  0
Engineering and Architecture  4  1
TOTAL  38  28

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