March 2011

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ENQA training session for experts for agency reviews

ENQA organised a fourth training session/workshop for experts for agency reviews on 10-11 February 2011 in Helsinki. Based on the lessons learned, feedback and materials from the already completed reviews, the training sessions aim at providing experts with, among others, the necessary knowledge and guidance on the interpretation of the ENQA membership criteria/European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

The training sessions were attended by experts who have already been involved in national or ENQA coordinated reviews, and by potential future reviewers. Reviewers who had attended such training sessions have been included in the ENQA pool of trained reviewers. The training is part of ENQA Projects 2010-2012 and supported by the Lifelong learning Programme of the European Commission.

The Head of Quality Assessment department of AQU Cayalunya and member of the ENQA Board, Josep Grifoll, participated in this session where presented the paper The independence of the QA agencies.


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