September 2011

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  • The second international external review of AQU Catalunya (2011-2012)
    It was just five years ago (2006-2007) that AQU Catalunya began its first international external review whereby an analysis was made of the Agency's compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). AQU Catalunya passed the evaluation and thereby maintained its status as a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), of which it was a founder member.
    Josep Grifoll Saurí and Maria Giné Soca - Head of Quality Assesment Department and Head of Planning and Communication Unit, AQU Catalunya
  • Overall assessment of the ex-ante accreditation and modification processes (recognised degree programmes)
    With Royal Decree 861/2010, 2 July, which amended Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, concerning the academic regulations for recognised university qualifications and awards, jurisdiction over the ex-ante accreditation of recognised university degree programmes offered by Catalan universities was handed back to AQU Catalunya. The Agency has subsequently developed a guidebook for the ex-ante accreditation of degree programmes that sets out the legal requirements for the process and gives guidelines for the universities as regards programme design and the drawing up of reports for programme ex-ante accreditation.
    Josep Manel Torres Solà - Coordinator of Quality Assessment department, AQU Catalunya

Generalitat de Catalunya

Via Laietana, 28, 5a planta 08003 Barcelona. Spain. Tel.: +34 93 268 89 50

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