

A bimonthly publication of AQU Catalunya


September 2011

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Challenges of the academic year ahead

What will happen over the next (2011-2012) academic year? I like this question because it's a bit like just having acquired a new sketchbook or notebook. And what about a new agenda as well, perhaps? Let's hope not because the context is still the same! With AQU having reacquired its jurisdiction over the ex-ante accreditation part of recognised programme review in July 2010, last year was one in which many new processes were set in motion at the Agency. Well, this is a half-truth actually as they weren't entirely new because the Agency has been involved in the ex-ante accreditation of Masters degrees since the Decree of 2005. Neither was the new process a new one for the Catalan universities. They haven't stopped since 2007 up to the present in a process that has led to the total renewal of their provision of Bachelor and Master's degrees.



  • The second international external review of AQU Catalunya (2011-2012)
    It was just five years ago (2006-2007) that AQU Catalunya began its first international external review whereby an analysis was made of the Agency's compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). AQU Catalunya passed the evaluation and thereby maintained its status as a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), of which it was a founder member.
    Josep Grifoll Saurí and Maria Giné Soca - Head of Quality Assesment Department and Head of Planning and Communication Unit, AQU Catalunya
  • Overall assessment of the ex-ante accreditation and modification processes (recognised degree programmes)
    With Royal Decree 861/2010, 2 July, which amended Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, concerning the academic regulations for recognised university qualifications and awards, jurisdiction over the ex-ante accreditation of recognised university degree programmes offered by Catalan universities was handed back to AQU Catalunya. The Agency has subsequently developed a guidebook for the ex-ante accreditation of degree programmes that sets out the legal requirements for the process and gives guidelines for the universities as regards programme design and the drawing up of reports for programme ex-ante accreditation.
    Josep Manel Torres Solà - Coordinator of Quality Assessment department, AQU Catalunya


  • Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) World of Work (WoW®) Programme – A Globally Relevant Strategic Approach

    Terry Dray
    Director LJMU Graduate Advancement and Employer Engagement

    WoW® is LJMUs' response to both a series of influential reports advocating the need for universities to take more seriously the employability of students for the benefit of the local, regional and national economies, and to detailed conversations with employers with whom we have a relationship. We're also very aware of the need to provide positive outcomes for our students, who are investing heavily in their education. Additionally, we want to differentiate LJMU and we believe that our approach is a very attractive one for potential students.




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