November 2011

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  • The time has come for the doctorate degree
    In order to produce good doctorate students, a two-fold approach to PhDs is necessary: as training in research as a professional activity, and as a form of personal development. Addressing these two training objectives is fundamental, although it is not easy. Up until now, a lot of effort has been put into training in research and adequate tools have been provided for personal development, but no mechanisms have been set in place to detect whether they are successfully assimilated by PhD holders or to apply appropriate corrective measures.

    Policy makers in Europe, and more recently in Spain, have adapted the regulatory frameworks and developed specific policies to promote doctoral studies according to this approach. The universities have developed or are developing a new internal organisation aimed at managing doctoral programmes and doctoral schools (graduate schools).
    Gemma Rauret Dalmau - Professor of Analytical Chemistry, ex-Director of AQU Catalunya

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