March 2014


  • The Ocupadors/Employers survey: what it is and why we need it
    The purpose of the Ocupadors/Employers survey (henceforth Employers survey) is for the universities to receive feedback from the labour market regarding university education with the aim of aligning the preparation and training that students receive at university with the needs of the labour market. The survey's ultimate aim is to develop policies for improving and enhancing higher education and the university system as a whole, in terms of both academic provision (for example, in the form of programme curricula that are more relevant for the labour market and improvements to the practical dimension of curricula) and institutional actions and services that facilitate the transition to the labour market.
    Anna Prades Nebot and Carme Edo Ros - Project managers
  • Accreditation and external site visits
    On 2 July 2010 the Board of Management of AQU Catalunya (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya) endorsed the Framework for the validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation of recognised degree programmes (VSMA Framework) , the aim of which was to establish the guidelines for these four processes and link them together in a coherent and logical way to provide for more effective management of the different review processes.
    Josep Manel Torres Solà - Coordinator of Quality Assessment department

Generalitat de Catalunya

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