• The trends and challenges in quality assurance
    The European Commission's report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the progress made regarding quality assurance in higher education is dated 28 January 2014. It is clearly in the interest of both AQU Catalunya and the university system in Catalonia to take into account the declarations and perspectives set out in the report as a guide to action on quality assurance.
    Editorial Department - AQU Catalunya
  • Framework for the positioning of AQU Catalunya regarding subject-specific quality labels
    Following evaluation strategies employed for university study programmes in the United States, there is a trend towards opening up quality assurance in Europe in a similar way for it to be of continental scope. Such an option is developed through so-called quality labels, which fundamentally and solely preconfigure two aspects in any given university degree course: the minimum learning outcomes and the basic elements required to facilitate achievement of the learning outcomes.
    Editorial Department - AQU Catalunya

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