July 2014


  • The Catalan university system, a driver of differential employability
    The findings of the fifth survey of the labour market outcomes of graduates from Catalan universities were released on 9 July 2014. Studies on the destinations of graduate from Catalan universities are a consequence of the interest of the public universities in Catalonia, through their boards of trustees (consells socials), in the employment outcomes of their graduates. As a result of the scope and regularity of these studies, which are coordinated by AQU Catalunya, they are now used and referred to in international comparative studies. A survey has been carried out once every three years since 2001 to analyse the transition to the labour market of graduates in Catalonia who graduated three years prior to each survey. In 2014 17,337 graduates were interviewed (First and Second Cycle degrees – diplomatures and llicenciatures, including degrees in Engineering and Architecture), out of a population of 31,279 that graduated in 2010 (2007 in the case of Medicine), which accounts for more than half (55%) of the graduate cohort for that year. The sample error was 0.5%.
    Anna Prades Nebot - Project manager in AQU Catalunya
  • The transition into work of doctoral degree holders
    The survey on the transition into work (also referred to as destinations or labour market outcomes) of holders of doctoral degrees, which is carried out by AQU Catalunya once every three years, provides information on the situation in the labour market of doctoral degree holders three years after being awarded a doctoral degree from one of the different universities in Catalonia. A large number of studies analysing the employment situation of graduates have been carried out although very few have dealt with doctoral degree holders, which is probably due to the lack of available databases that are sufficiently representative of the population of doctoral degree holders. Corresponding data are now available however for 2008, 2011 and 2014, which can be used to identify trends in the main indicators for the labour market as regards doctoral degree holders and other characteristics connected with doctoral degrees.
    Sandra Nieto Viramontes - Technician of AQU Catalunya's Quality Assessment Department

Generalitat de Catalunya

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