September 2014


New calls for the issuing of research and advanced research accreditations

With the publication in the Official Journal of the Catalan Government (DOGC) of Resolution ECO/1443/2012 and Resolution ECO/1444/2012, dated 27 June, public notification is given of the agreement regarding the procedure for issuing accreditations for research and advanced research. The application submission procedure is given on the AQU Catalunya website, Teaching staff section.

Coming application calls are as follows:

  • From 13 to 31 October 2014, both included.
  • From 7 to 30 April 2015, both included.

PDF PDF Resolution ECO/1810/2014, dated 17 July, by which the procedure for the issue of research accreditation is made public [ca].

PDF PDF Resolution ECO/1811/2014, dated 17 July, by which the procedure for the issue of advanced research accreditation is made public [ca].


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