October 2018


Meta-evaluation of ex-ante accreditations and modifications during the 2016-2017 academic year

AQU Catalunya ha just published the meta-evaluation report on ex-ante accreditations and modifications of recognised degree programmes during the 2016-2017 academic year [Catalan].

On the one hand, the document graphically sets out the development and results of the programme reviews and, on the other, analyses the main areas for improvement and proposes actions aimed at improving the outcomes and anticipating potential problems in the future.

The report analyses four main areas: applications for ex-ante accreditation and modification; deadlines for the processing and resolution of cases of ex-ante accreditation; the results and cost of the review; and evaluation procedures.

Broadly speaking, the evolutionary data show continuity with previous academic years.

There was a slight increase in the number of applications for ex-ante accreditation, which has decreased over the previous three academic years. This rise has led to a slight increase in the time taken to process and resolve applications, and also in the cost of the project. As regards the level of study, the number of applications for the ex-ante accreditation of master's programmes went down for the fourth consecutive year, although there were still more applications than for first degree (bachelor's) programmes, which moderately increased.

The number of applications for programme modification however decreased significantly for both first degree and master's programmes.

Applications for ex-ante accreditation and modification



In terms of the results, a high percentage of the number of applications for both ex-ante accreditation and modification were successful, which was similar to previous years. There are no significant differences in the results between the applications submitted according to level of study (first degree, master's and doctoral programmes), review committee or applicant institution.

Ex-ante accreditation results according to review committee.
2016-2017 academic year


Modification results according to review committee.
2016-2017 academic year



As an enhancement measure, the latest call for applications for the following academic year (2017-2018) was planned for between October and December. Starting with the 2018 call for applications, this has been moved to February and March for programmes to be delivered starting with the 2019-2020 academic year (see the schedule of calls for applications for programme review). This is expected to improve the percentage of applications submitted on time, as well as the deadlines for the processing and resolution of cases.


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