November 2014


  • The Catalan Parliament gives the green light to the AQU Catalunya Bill30.10.2014
    The Catalan Parliament (Parlament de Catalunya) has accepted the Catalan Government’s Executive Council (Govern) bill regulating the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya/AQU Catalunya) for consideration by the Catalan legislature, with votes in favour from CiU, ERC, PSC, ICV-EUiA and the CUP.
  • Resuming of the external site visits for the accreditation of recognised university degrees29.10.2014
    External site visits by external review panels for the accreditation of recognised First and Second Cycle (Bachelor and Master's) study programmes at Catalan universities have been resumed this week.
  • Call for applications for grants for studies on the transition from higher education to employment 28.10.2014
    AQU Catalunya, in collaboration with the Catalan universities, is funding a call for grant applications to the value of 35,000 euros with the goal of improving the understanding and diagnosis of the transition from higher education to employment of university graduates, and to define specific actions to contribute to the improvement and enhancement of university degrees and courses.
  • Meeting of the CeQuInt project working group23.10.2014
    AQU Catalunya hosted the fourth meeting of the steering group of the CeQuInt project, which is being led by the European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education (ECA). During the session the findings of the meta-evaluation of the pilot evaluations were discussed and analysed and actions outlining the methodology to assess the quality of internationalisation were defined.
  • Violeta Demonte, 2014 National Research Award 22.10.2014
    Violeta Demonte Barreto, professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/UAM) and researcher at the CSIC's Institute of Language, Literature and Anthropology, has been awarded the "Ramón Menéndez Pidal" National Research Award in the Humanities.
  • CEMAI committee meeting 17.10.2014
    A meeting of AQU Catalunya's CEMAI committee (which assesses the individual merits and activities of university faculty staff) was held on 15 October for the reaccreditation of the teacher assessment models given in the assessment handbooks used by public universities in Catalonia.
  • Special interview with Josep Grifoll, exiting ENQA board member – what is it like to be an ENQA board member?14.10.2014
    Outgoing ENQA Vice President and Board member Josep Grifoll imparts his experiences, wisdom and advice for curious readers and those considering running for the ENQA Board.
  • Results of the first call made in 2014 for the accreditation of research and advanced research08.10.2014
    63% of the applications for research accreditation were favourable and 56% in the case of advanced research accreditation.
  • AQU cooperates with EAC in the institutional review of ESMUC06.10.2014
  • Meeting of the Committee of Vice-rectors for Quality 02.10.2014
    The meeting of the Committee of Vice-rectors for Quality from the universities in Catalonia was held at AQU Catalunya on 29 September.
  • Transparency of European higher education through public quality assurance reports01.10.2014
    The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, ENQA, has published the Occasional Papers 21 Transparency of European higher education through public quality assurance reports (EQArep).
  • Lluís Torner, new chairman of AQU's Research Assessment Commission (CAR)01.10.2014
    The appointment of Lluís Torner as Chairman of AQU’s Research Assessment Commission (CAR) in replacement of Joan Rodés, who was the first CAR Chairman when the body was set up in 2003, has now become effective.
  • AQU Catalunya on Twitter19.09.2014
    AQU Catalunya has opened a Twitter account. Follow us on www.twitter.com/aqucatalunya
  • Meta-evaluation of degree programme accreditation18.09.2014
    Around fifty participants, including programme coordinators, heads of quality units and quality offices, and members of external review panels, took part in the session on the meta-evaluation of recognised degree programme accreditation, organised by AQU Catalunya on 17 September. The objective was the improvement and enhancement of the various aspects that make up the evaluation.
  • Workshop on Quality, an instrument for the internationalisation of degree programmes at Catalan universities08.09.2014
    A workshop on "Quality, an instrument for the internationalisation of degree programmes at Catalan universities" has been organised for 7 October 2014 with the objective of setting in motion a process of reflection on ways in which quality assurance can reinforce strategies for the internationalisation of degree programmes. During the workshop, strategies to promote knowledge-based economies and to attract university students that are being developed around the world will be presented, internationalisation strategies for higher education institutions and study programmes will be identified and discussed, and QA instruments that can be made available to the universities to support strategies for the internationalisation of degree programmes in Catalan universities will be examined.

Generalitat de Catalunya

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