The results of the Impala project (Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance)
The IMPALA project, which was launched in 2013, came to an end in September 2016 with the organisation of different activities aimed at dissemination of the project in the participating countries. The context for dissemination by AQU Catalunya was the Workshop titled External quality assurance: what is its purpose? It is now time to take stock of the project and what has been achieved.
What is the purpose of analysing the impact of external quality assurance? External quality assurance in the European Union has been developed as a mechanism to promote trust in the quality of higher education institutions and thereby improve the mobility of students, teaching staff and professionals (AQU, 2003). The Berlin Communiqué underpinned the fact that quality assurance (QA) agencies are at the heart of the European Higher Education Area.
Anna Prades - Project manager
The opinions of medical employers on the Bachelor's degree programme in Medicine
The views of employers on the quality of higher education is a key factor in assessing the fitness-for-purpose of provision, but even more so in the case of the Bachelor’s degree programme in Medicine given that, pursuant to prevailing regulations, holders of the degree have the right to freely practice as non-specialist medical practitioners.
The survey and study of the opinions of medical employers forms part of the Employers project 2013-2015 undertaken in cooperation with Obra Social "la Caixa", the purpose of which is to gather the opinions of employers on the skills and training of recent graduates from higher education institutions in Catalonia.
A quantitative and qualitative methodology was used to gather the opinions of employers in the medical and health care sector. The following figure shows the three ways that information was gathered to assess the fitness-for-purpose of study programmes in Medicine and their match with the requirements of the labour market.
Editorial Department - AQU Catalunya