The views of employers on the quality of higher education. The opinion of the Ministry of Health
During 2015 AQU Catalunya carried out a survey of the "employability and skills of internal resident doctors (interns)" and another of the "employability and skills of recent graduates in Nursing". The two surveys were the result of fieldwork in which the Department of Health collaborated in designing the sample participants. In the case of intern doctors, the survey targeted heads of hospital services and directors of primary health care teams, whereas the target group in the case of nursing was directors and supervisors of hospital and primary health care nursing.
One characteristic of the medical sector is that graduates who have just started working are often professionals training to become specialists who follow a system of learning that in practical terms is regulated. This is particularly the case with interns and increasingly so in nursing. This results in the opinions of heads of staff being influenced, in the case of intern doctors, by the fact that interns are not selected by the institutions themselves, plus they have a pace of work that includes the complement of training. In the case of nurses, their opinions are more clearly related to the assessment of professionals who have just joined the staff. Josep Roma - Head of Accreditation and Professional Development Ministry of Health