October 2016
AQU Catalunya has started cooperating with the COEIC, the professional body of industrial engineers in Catalonia, within the framework of the Engineering Observatory project.
The aim of the Engineering Observatory, which is promoted by the COEIC together with other different professional engineering bodies (including those dealing with civil engineering, agricultural engineering, telecommunications and computer engineering) and associations in the same field, is to produce a full report on the present-day situation of engineering in Catalonia and of its reputation and requirements for the competitive development of Catalan industry over the course of the next ten years. The Engineering Observatory will be based on a broad survey of engineers in Catalonia and the industrial and institutional contexts of the profession.
The participation of AQU Catalunya in the project will take in the compilation of statistical information and establishing indicators on higher education and research at universities for the subsequent analysis of the situation and trends, as well as centralising the necessary data provided by professional bodies, associations and universities.