April 2020


Activation of AQU Catalunya's Contingency Plan, which ensures the provision of services

AQU Catalunya has activated its Contingency Plan whereby, as of 16 March 2020, all of the Agency's activities are now being undertaken online.

Although all in-person services have been suspended, the Agency's activities continue to operate as services continuity is guaranteed in accordance with the state of exception measures imposed by the Spanish government in Royal Decree 463/2020, 14 March [es].

In replacement of in-person customer services, enquiries can now be made online to the following business e.mail addresses:

  • Teaching staff: professorat@aqu.cat.
    In relation to enquiries regarding calls for applications, deadlines, assessment criteria and procedures related to teaching staff, please refer to the following links with frequently asked questions (FAQs) on different aspects of calls for applications: tenure-eligible lecturers, accreditation of research, accreditation of advanced research and merits in research.
  • Programme and institutional quality: qualitat@aqu.cat
  • Executive Board: direccio@aqu.cat
  • Human resources: recursoshumans@aqu.cat
  • Economic management: infofactures@aqu.cat
  • Services contracting and procurement: contractacio@aqu.cat
  • General information: infor@aqu.cat

The online Help Desk, also continues to be operative for requests for information and submitting suggestions, opinions and complaints.

Telephone contact (93 268 8950) with AQU Catalunya remains open during the Agency's working hours (9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday to Friday), although you will need to leave a message as calls cannot be transferred.

The AQU Catalunya register has also been centralised with the central register of the Government of Catalonia's Department of Business and Knowledge. This service is available online with use of the contact form and by telephone (+ 00 34 93 484 95 00).

These measures have been set in place to protect the health of AQU Catalunya staff following the COVID-19 outbreak and comply with the instructions issued by the Government of Catalonia.


Generalitat de Catalunya

C. d'Enric Granados, 33, 08007 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 93 268 89 50

© 2020 AQU Catalunya - Legal number B-21.910-2008