A quarterly publication of AQU Catalunya
Francesc Xavier Grau Vidal, president of AQU Catalunya
The times we live in are marked by ecological and demographic challenges on a planetary scale, by growing global competition and by progressive threats to traditional democratic forms of government. All in all, it’s a disturbing situation, where a widespread sense of uncertainty fuels populist discourse. In this global context, we still have to deal with the effects of successive financial, economic, health and, more recently, energy crises on public finances and on medium-term economic growth potential.
At the behest of its Governing Board, the Agency has carried out an analysis aimed at finding out the ages at which teaching staff obtain accreditation. The report, which analyses this by segmenting reality by gender, takes into account the favourable reports of tenure-eligible lecturers, research accreditations and advanced research accreditations.
Challenge-based learning and interdisciplinary projects are some of the keys to fostering professional skills, such as applying acquired knowledge and problem-solving, and managing technical performance.
One of the most important recommendations made to us in 2007 by the ENQA external review panel that assessed AQU Catalunya’s compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) was the drawing up of a strategic plan, in collaboration with the universities and the Government of Catalonia, “[...] for better sustaining and coordinating its various quality assurance activities in order to achieve more integration, visibility of the priorities and synergy between them”.