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ENQA debate in Barcelona on the training of experts who review European quality assurance agencies

AQU Catalunya collaborated together with ENQA in the organisation in Barcelona of a meeting on the external review of the agencies that form part of ENQA and candidate member agencies. The meeting brought together thirty-two experts from all over Europe (university professors, QA agency representatives and independent consultants) with experience in reviewing QA agencies in higher education.

Issues covered in the meeting dealt with experience with agency review procedures, the use and interpretation of the European standards (ESG), the drawing up of review reports and training procedures for new reviewers.

The outcomes of the debate will be used in ENQA training sessions for new reviewers, two of which are planned for 2009: 22 May in Paris and 23 October in Brussels.


Generalitat de Catalunya

Via Laietana, 28, 5a planta 08003 Barcelona. Spain. Tel.: +34 93 268 89 50

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