November 2009

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Results of the ENQA General Assembly in Barcelona

ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) held its sixth General Assembly in Barcelona on 28 and 29 September 2009. The GA, which brought together the leading authorities in university quality assurance in Europe, dealt with forthcoming work activities on different matters and decisions were also made that will direct the Association’s activities in 2010 and beyond.

One of the interesting points for the European Association over the next few years is how to best explore the possibilities that can be developed from current quality assurance mechanisms. ENQA specifically wants to develop quality assurance methods for the review processes used to evaluate students and joint programmes and to ensure the transparency of outcomes.

In addition, ENQA also intends to give impetus to other directions made in new fields of activity for the Agency. Priorities that have been set include, amongst others, the establishment of quality assurance strategies that encourage mobility and transnational education, the exploration of quality assurance methods that are applicable to life-long learning, and impetus being given to actions for the development of qualified staff in external quality assurance.

ENQA also intends to focus its actions in 2010 and beyond on a wide range of measures that affirm and widen actions that the Agency has already been carrying for some time. For example, ENQA has decided to maintain the use of the European standards and also to intensify the existing cooperation in Europe between QA agencies and other stakeholders. It also has the intention to update the review systems, with special emphasis on the European qualifications frameworks, the aim of which is to encourage mobility and the international recognition of qualifications and education, as well as to inform both students and society of the learning requirements at each level.


Generalitat de Catalunya

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