October 2016


Publication of the new VSMA framework in Catalan, Spanish and English


AQU Catalunya's Governing Board endorsed the new Framework for the validation, modification, monitoring and accreditation of recognised degree programmes in July. The new framework, which replaces the original framework endorsed in 2010, is available on-line from the Agency’s website in Catalan, Spanish and English.

Given the need to adapt the original Framework to the new ESG (2015) and the regulations governing recognised degree programmes, and also to better respond to the requirements of quality assurance as a consequence of the present-day dynamics affecting degree courses and their adaptation in line with EHEA guidelines, the main features of the new VSMA Framework are as follows:

  1. The promotion of institutional review as the trend towards self-accrediting institutions
  2. Promotion of the automatic generation of all required reports for quality assurance as a way of improving process efficiency
  3. The reinforcement of accreditation as a procedure that provides greater added value to institutions
  4. Greater consistency in the map of qualifications through the use of cluster benchmarking



Generalitat de Catalunya

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