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Meta-evaluation of the first year of programme validation, monitoring and modification

Editorial board - AQU Catalunya

Approximately two hundred people from Catalan universities participated in the session on the Meta-evaluation of the processes of validation, monitoring and modification of recognised degree programmes organised by AQU Catalunya, in conjunction with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), on 6 March 2012.

The objectives of the session were, on the one hand, to analyse the development and results of validation, monitoring and modification carried out so far and, on the other, to discuss different aspects of the VSMA Framework for the validation, monitoring, modification and accreditation of recognised degree programmes that are still being developed, such as accreditation and the gathering of information on stakeholder satisfaction. In order to achieve these objectives, an invitation to participate was sent to people in the university community directly involved in VSMA Framework processes that have been set in motion, including vice-rectors for quality and academic governance, programme coordinators and heads of QA units, as well as students.

The day's activities were organised around a plenary session, in which the Agency presented the assessment and results of the first year of programme validation and modification and the vision for accreditation in the future following on from the experience already obtained in monitoring, and five parallel sessions where those taking part were divided up into working groups to deal with the following issues:

PDF PDF Group 1. The availability and use of public information [ca]

PDF PDF Group 2. Indicators and value analysis in programme monitoring [ca]

PDF PDF Group 3. Development of enhancement measures: internal enhancement, modifications and repeat ex-ante assessment [ca]

PDF PDF Group 4. Programme accreditation [ca]

PDF PDF Group 5. Satisfaction indicators [ca]

The Secretary for Universities and Research, Antoni Castellà, who attended the close of the session, expressed his gratitude to the Agency and the universities for the work that has been so far carried out, together with his belief in the usefulness of the conclusions of the session for improving the QA processes in the VSMA Framework.

PDF document PDF Conclusions

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Generalitat de Catalunya

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