

A bimonthly publication of AQU Catalunya


May 2013

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Next stop: accreditation

There is so much fruit and vegetables and fish in the market that the expression "now it's the season for grapes" or "now it's the time of year for corn" has become a thing of the past. Nevertheless, if one wants to eat well, healthily and inexpensively you have to buy in season. Even if it's been grown in a greenhouse, whatever is in season is always better. And if it's grown locally, on top of saving energy in transport, one helps the local economy.

And so the time for accreditation is about to start. In recent years a glut of validations (ex-ante assessments) have been carried out, both fresh and frozen, i.e. revalidation, but next year will be the "time for accreditation". In fact the "season" has already arrived because out of the more than four hundred Masters' programmes offered the current academic year by Catalan universities, approximately one hundred and eighty were validated during the 2008-09 academic year and have already completed their fourth year by now (2012-13 academic year). Regardless of whether or not the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) publishes the decree that extends the deadlines for accreditation by the time this editorial comes out, come next year the list will have been reduced considerably. It is estimated that around 140 out of the 160 Masters' degrees submitted for validation are revalidations, which reduces the number of Masters' that come up for accreditation next year to only 40. To this figure one should add around 50 more that were validated during the 2009-10 academic year.



  • Master's survey launch
    The fifth series of studies on graduate destinations (labour market outcomes of graduates) in Catalonia is to be carried out in the first quarter of 2014. For the first time, Master's degrees will be included in the main survey.
    Graduate destination studies stem from the interest of universities in the employment outcomes of graduates. Surveys provide information to society on the level and quality of graduate employment outcomes, although they were conceived fundamentally as an instrument for collecting useful information on the education-job match (or the match between the provision of university education and the needs of the labour market).

    Anna Prades Nebot (Project manager) - Lorena Bernàldez Arjona (Management assistant adviser)
  • The AQU Catalunya proposal for the revision of the ESG
    At the Bucharest Ministerial Conference in April 2012, European ministers of higher education decided to revise the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ESG). Ministers invited BUSINESSEUROPE, Education International, ENQA, ESU, EUA, EURASHE and EQAR to prepare an initial proposal. Ministers envisage adopting the revised ESG at their next ministerial conference in Yerevan, Armenia, in 2015. The Steering Group has launched an open call for contributions to the revision process. The call addresses the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) as well as all others interested in contributing to the revision of the ESG.
    Editorial board - AQU Catalunya


  • Update on the revision of the ESG

    Tia Loukkola
    Head of Unit Quality Management & Institutional Evaluation Programme (EUA)

    Since 2005 the development of both institutional and national/regional QA systems has been underpinned by the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). The ESG were prepared by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) in cooperation with the European Students’ Union (ESU), the European University Association (EUA) and the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), and adopted in the Ministerial Meeting in 2005.

    Although this might over-simplify the situation, it can be argued that the European Commission’s Progress Report on QA published in 2009 acted as one of the catalysts for the discussions on whether the ESG fulfilled their purpose and were still useful in 2009. The report suggested, for example, adding more explicit links to the other "Bologna Tools" in the document.




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