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The universities discuss the impact of teaching assessment handbooks

Around sixty participants, including vice-rectors, academic managers and students from Catalan universities participated in the workshop, "Reaccreditation of the teaching assessment handbooks used by public universities in Catalonia", organised by AQU Catalunya on 16 April. The objective of the workshop was to assess the efficacy and impact of the handbooks in relation to their subsequent accreditation, bearing in mind the need for integration with the AUDIT and DOCENTIA programmes and the VSMA framework.

The workshop was divided up into three parts:

The efficacy of the teaching assessment handbooks and how they fit into the VSMA framework. AQU Catalunya gave an overview of the use of the handbooks from the time when they were introduced in 2003 and also presented the results of the opinion poll (survey) on the teaching assessment process of the main actors involved (vice-rectors, review panels, academic managers and students).

Document PDF PDF Resultats sobre l'enquesta de la reacreditació dels manuals (Results of the survey on the reaccreditation of the teaching assessment handbooks), Esteve Arboix Codina, head of Academic Staff and Research at AQU Catalunya

Document PDF PDF Acreditació de les titulacions oficials i avaluació docent (Accreditation of recognised degrees and teaching assessment), Josep Anton Ferré Vidal, director of AQU Catalunya

The impact of teaching assessment handbooks. The UPC-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/BarcelonaTech, UPF/Pompeu Fabra University and UdL/University of Lleida have all submitted documentation (see below) on their experience of applying the respective teaching assessment handbooks.

Document PDF PDF L'ús d'eines i aplicacions per gestionar l'avaluació docent (The use of instruments and applications for the management of teaching assessment), Santiago Roca Martín, head of Planning, Evaluation and Quality, BarcelonaTech/UPC

Document PDF PDF Manual d'Avaluació Docent del Professorat de la UPF (Teaching Assessment Handbook - UPF), Miquel Oliver Riera, vice-rector for Quality and Institutional Strategy, Pompeu Fabra University

Document PDF PDF Avaluació de l'activitat docent a la Universitat de Lleida: La Menció d'Excel·lència (Teaching Assessment at the University of Lleida: Excellence in Teaching), Ferran Badia Pascual, vice-rector of Planning, Innovation and Enterprise, University of Lleida

Reaccreditation. AQU Catalunya outlined the salient points that are being worked on for the reaccreditation of teaching assessment handbooks.

Document PDF PDF La reacreditació dels manuals: procés i reptes (Reaccreditation of the teaching assessment handbooks: process and challenges), Antoni Blanc Altemir, chair of the CEMAI Committee (Special committee for the assessment of individual merits and activities), AQU Catalunya

A document with the conclusions of the workshop is to be published shortly.


Generalitat de Catalunya

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