AQU Catalunya opens registrations for the course 'Training for students to guarantee university quality'
The training course, which can be validated as student credits, will last one day, on Saturday 23 November, 2024, and will have transportation and living expenses covered for attendees. The number of places is limited.
The headquarters of AQU Catalunya will host the course, Training for students to guarantee university quality on Saturday 23 November, which is aimed at providing attendees with useful tools to participate both in their universities' internal quality assurance processes and in AQU Catalunya's external assessment processes. Apart from this, the training day also aims to give a panoramic view of the latest developments in quality assurance, both from an international and local perspective.
Organised by AQU Catalunya and the Catalan Universities Student Council (CEUCAT), the conference will be attended by the Director of AQU Catalunya, Jaume Valls Pasola, who will open the course alongside Pau Maza, General Coordinator of the CEUCAT. The course offers both lectures and workshops with a theoretical and practical approach. The first presentation, by Maza, will be aimed at contextualising quality assurance within the framework of the European Higher Education Area. Afterwards, the student member of the Executive Committee of the European Students' Union (ESU), Tamara Ciobanu, will deliver the Student participation in the international arena presentation. Next, the Quality Assurance of higher education in Catalonia presentation will take place, led by technical staff from AQU Catalunya. The theoretical part of the day will end with the round table on Internal Quality Assurance Systems (IQAS) and student involvement, in which Antoni Ras, retired full professor and ex-vice-chancellor of university policy will participate Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) and Berta Roca, quality technician at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona (UB), among other experts.
The afternoon includes the practical part of the course, with two workshops in which the contents learnt in the morning will be applied. The first is dedicated to preparing the Student Report for centre accreditation, and the second to higher education assessment. Students who complete an independent project after the course receive a certificate, certifying 25 hours of dedication, which they can present to their universities in order to obtain a free-elective credit if the regulations of their schools allow it. Enrolments can be made until 17 November 2024, or until all places are taken up by clinking on this link. AQU Catalunya will cover the costs of transport and maintenance for the attendees.