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University teaching staff assessment

University teaching staff assessment carried out by AQU Catalunya is structured as follows:

Assessment of the Teaching staff: AQU Catalunya certifies that applicants meet a minimum threshold of quality and/or scientific and/or production experience as a preliminary step to entering competitions for positions at universities for each of the posts established in Catalonia (associate professor and full professor).

Merits Assessment: AQU Catalunya assesses teaching, research and management merits for remuneration purposes in the case of teaching staff at public universities.


Accreditation of advanced research Start date
8 April 2024
End date
31 December 2030
Accreditation of research Start date
8 April 2024
End date
31 December 2030
Reconeixement dels mèrits de recerca Start date
25 June 2024
End date
12 July 2024
Avaluació dels mèrits de recerca Start date
25 June 2024
End date
12 July 2024
Show the annual calendar


New publications

AQU Catalunya has published the following evaluation reports:


Gender and teaching staff accreditation

AQU Catalunya activities aimed at closing the gender gap in university teaching staff accreditation processes.


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See all documents valid for electronic processing

Those wishing to apply for any of the calls for accreditation or teaching merits assessment should complete the application process online.

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Adhesion to DORA and CoARA

All the signatories of the CoARA do so as an expression of their agreement on the need to reform research assessment practices and the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) proposes recommendations for improving the assessment of scientific production.

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Become an AQU Catalunya reviewer

In accordance with European standards (ESG), we involve experts of recognised prestige in academic and professional fields, as well as students, in our processes.

We select these experts from our pool of experts.

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Scientific publications

This section contains web addresses of databases and repertoires and library services of Catalan universities that have developed tools for supporting those preparing applications.


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