The student report for degree programme and centre accreditation
Student participation in the accreditation processes, both for degree programmes and centres, occurs through student involvement during the entire accreditation process, whether in the internal or external phase of the assessment. However, the group's representativeness in accreditation processes may be conditioned by the greater or lesser strength of the structures of student participation and representation at each centre, the possible difficulties in finding students for the hearings, or the level of knowledge of the group about quality mechanisms.
AQU Catalunya's Student Advisory Committee, in conjunction with the Catalan University Student Council (CEUCAT), has agreed to implement a procedure for Student Reports based on international experiences considered best practices in the field of quality assurance, including those of agencies such as the QAA (United Kingdom), the QQI (Ireland) and the UKA (Sweden). This process is carried out by the student body drafting an independent report on the degree programmes or centres to be accredited, to accompany, as complementary evidence, the accreditation self-report drawn up by the self-assessment committee (CAI).
Under no circumstances does this report replace the participation of the student body in the in-house phase of the assessment, nor in the outsourced phase, but it has been introduced at a time when both AQU Catalunya and the Catalan universities have acquired sufficient experience in these assessment processes. Moreover, nearly all the universities in Catalonia have now passed at least one degree accreditation cycle.
How is this report drawn up?
There are three stages in the report drafting process. The first involves preliminary planning and preparation, which focuses on identifying the centres and students coordinating the report, the second stage consists of generating the report, and the third stage focuses on sending the report. Details of the methodological guidelines used to draw up the report are given in the document entitled Guidelines for preparing the student report for the accreditation of degrees and university centre. Two report templates are attached to this document: one for degree programmes and one for centres. Both are provided as support documents for the students writing the report.
Useful documents
Guidelines for preparing the student report for the accreditation of degrees and university centre (septiembre 2024)
Student report template for degree programme accreditation (Septembre 2024)
Student report template for the accreditation of university centres (September 2024)