Stage 1: Prior planning and preparation
Every year, the universities and AQU Catalunya jointly plan external visits based on the degrees and centres that have to start the accreditation process. More than a year in advance, the Agency's Governing Council approves the visit calendar, and the universities begin the process of drawing up the self-assessment reports, as the first step in the accreditation process. This planning stage makes it possible to identify the centres and degree programmes that must include the Student Report in their accreditation process.
A coordinator must be appointed from among the students of the degree courses or the centre to be accredited, or a report coordination group must be set up. The student body that will coordinate the preparation of the reports is identified through contact with the student council (or equivalent structure) of the centre that must undergo accreditation, with the collaboration of CEUCAT.
The suggested student profile for this coordination assignment should be students who hold senior positions and who have a significant track record within the faculty or school. For example, students who have already completed more than half of their degree or undergraduates from the centre and are currently studying for a master's degree. In the event that the students in the coordination group do not have previous experience in drafting this type of report, AQU Catalunya will provide initial training, which shall be designed jointly with the agency's Student Advisory Committee and CEUCAT.