International interuniversity programs (European Approach)
In 2015, the ministers of higher education approved the European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes (EA) at the Yerevan conference, with the aim of simplifying European joint programme external review processes. The European Approach defines common standards based on the tools of the European Higher Education Area, without applying any additional national criteria. With this methodology, degrees are assessed in only one of the degree programme's participating countries, with this assessment being recognised by the rest of the countries offering the degree.
From 2017 to 2020, the ImpEA project was undertaken within the framework of the European ERASMUS+ programme, with the aim of supporting the implementation of the European Approach in the European Higher Education Area, and the 2020 Ministerial Conference in Rome insisted on its use. The European Approach can only be applied to joint programmes offered jointly by higher education institutions from two or more countries. In subsequent statements the European ministers responsible for higher education have insisted on the implementation and use of the EA in the assessment of joint degree programmes (Paris Communiqué, 2018; EHEA Ministerial Conference Rome 2020).
Review process
To start the process, the institutions offering the joint programme must select a quality agency from the European Register of Quality Agencies (EQAR) list. As an EQAR-registered agency, AQU Catalunya can evaluate joint programmes in accordance with the European Approach as well as recognise assessments by other registered agencies. The differences in the process based on the European Approach with respect to the other external validation and accreditation assessments carried out by AQU Catalunya are:
- The language to be used in the documentation of the review process is English.
- All review processes, whether validation or accreditation, have a mandatory external visit.
- The external review committee must include at least four members, from at least two countries involved in the consortium providing the programme. Members must include a student.
- It is highly recommended that there be cooperation from the quality agencies of the different countries involved, in order to ensure that there are no problems with the official recognition of qualifications in the different countries.
- For all degree programmes, the assessment is valid for six years with follow-up at three.
Submission of applications
Universities that offer joint degree programmes internationally, whether they are coordinators or members of the consortium, and that wish to register the degree in the Register of Universities, Centres and Qualifications (RUCT) following the European Approach review methodology, must follow this procedure:
Applications can be submitted throughout the year.
Universities must submit the
application form through the Generic procedure for universities in their dealings with AQU Catalunya, available on EACAT, the platform for the electronic processing and sending of documentation between the Generalitat de Catalunya and local bodies, following these instructions:
- Subject line: "Request for validation/accreditation of the XXX international joint programme (give the name of the degree and the participating universities) using the European Approach”.
- Main text: the university must choose whether to request recognition or review:
- If choosing recognition: "The university requests that AQU Catalunya recognise the validation/accreditation of the international joint programme XXX (give the name of the degree and the participating universities) that has been assessed by the agency XXX (give the name of the agency that coordinated the assessment)”.
- If choosing review: “The university requests that AQU Catalunya carry out the review process for the validation or accreditation of the international joint programme XXX (give the name of the degree and the participating universities)”.
- Signature: the application must be validated and signed electronically.
- Attached documentation: documentation for the application must be submitted through AVALUA, AQU Catalunya's document management tool. Specifically, the following documentation must be sent:
- The agreement (only in the case of validation).
- The validation/accreditation report (European Approach).
- External review report of the EQAR agency.
Issue of the review report
AQU Catalunya will issue a report through AVALUA that will vary according to the corresponding modality (recognition/review):
- In the case of recognition:
Report attesting that the degree programme has been assessed by an EQAR agency and has followed the European Approach methodology, among other aspects. - in the case of review:
Review report following European Approach methodology.
Registration in the RUCT
Once AQU Catalunya has issued the corresponding report, the university can submit the request to the Spanish Universities Council through the IT application of the ministry responsible for universities. Until the IT application has developed the module relating to the sixth and seventh additional provision (European Approach), the application must be submitted following the "normal" international joint programme procedure. The applicant university will only complete the basic sections of the report, the same as those for Erasmus Mundus. In the sections that do not need to be filled in compulsorily, they should indicate "European Approach".
The applicant university must attach the following information in the procedure with the Spanish Universities Council:
- The agreement
- The report (European Approach)
- External review report of the EQAR agency (in the same PDF as the agreement)
- AQU Catalunya acknowledgement of receipt
The Spanish Universities Council will make the corresponding decision and register the degree with the RUCT, if applicable.
The European Approach assessment methodology is based on standards agreed within the framework of the European Education Area. These do not take into account additional state criteria.
AQU Catalunya has developed the following methodology:
- Conditions for the recognition by AQU Catalunya of joint programmes accreditations using the European Approach framework
- Guide to ex-ante accreditation of joint programmes using the European Approach
The following table compares how AQU Catalunya's assessment processes meet the conditions included in the European Approach protocol.
European Approach | AQU ex ante Accreditation | AQU ex post Accreditation |
1. Eligibility | 1 Description, aims, objectives and programme justification | 1. Quality of the study programme |
2. Learning Outcomes | 2. Results of the teaching and learning process | 1. Quality of the study programme 6. Quality of programme learning outcomes |
4. Admission and Recognition | 3. Admission, recognition and mobility | 1. Quality of the study programme
2. Learning Outcomes 5. Learning, Teaching and Assessment | 4. Planning of teaching | 1. Quality of the study programme |
7.1. Resources: staff | 5. Academic and teaching support staff | 4. Suitability of teaching staff for the study programme |
6. Student support | 6. Resources for learning: materials and infrastructure, practices and services | 5. Effectiveness of learning support systems |
8. Transparency and Documentation 9. Quality assurance | 8. Internal Quality Assurance System | 2. Relevance of the public information 3. Efficacy of the programme's internal quality assurance system |
2. Learning Outcomes 5. Learning, Teaching and Assessment | — | 6. Quality of programme learning outcomes |
ImpEA project support documents:
- template to make self-assessment reports
- videos of training in the EA
Information from EQAR on the European Approach:
- Database of reports prepared in accordance with the EA procedure
- Map of national implementation of the European Approach
Master in Tourism Transformations for Regenerative Futures (MATTeRS)
Coordinating university: Universitat de Girona
Partner universities: Universitat de Girona (UdG), University of Oulu (OU), Kenyatta University (KU), University of Mauritius (UoM)
Decision of AQU’s Specific Commission for Social Sciences 1 on the study programme (gener 2025)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (gener 2025)
Master in Innovative Design of themed Entertainment and Attractions for Sustainability (IDEAS)
Coordinating university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Partner universities: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Breda University of applied sciences (BUas), Libera Università di Comunicazione e Lingue (IULM)
Decision of AQU’s Specific Commission for Social Sciences 1 on the study programme (January 2025)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (January 2025)
Coordinating university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Partner universities: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), Breda University of applied sciences (BUas), Université Côte d’Azur (UCA)
Decision of the Specific Commission for Social Sciences of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency on the study programme (December 2023)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (December 2023)
Master in Global Challenges for Sustainability
Coordinating university: Universitat de Barcelona
Partner universities: Universitat de Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Montpellier, Åbo Akademi University, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, University of Bergen
Decision of the Specific Commission for Social Sciences 1 of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency on the study programme (Desembre 2024)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (Octubre 2024)
Coordinating university: Trinity College Dublin
Partner universities: University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Montpellier
External assessment report Following the European Approach (octubre 2020)
Master in Intelligent Field Robotic Systems (IFROS)
Coordinating university: Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Partner universities: Universitat de Girona (UdG), University of Zagreb (UNIZG), Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (April 2024)
Master in Innovative Manufacturing Systems (MIMS)
Coordinating university: Universitat de Girona
Partner universities: Universitat de Girona, Politecnico di Torino i University of Gävle
Decision of the Appeals Commission of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency on the study programme (December 2023)
Acord de la Comissió d’Apel·lacions d’AQU Catalunya de resolució del recurs d’alçada contra l’informe d’avaluació ex ante (December 2023)
Decision of the Specific Commission for Engineering and Architecture of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency on the Study Programme (November 2023)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (November 2023)
Master in Innovative Design of themed Entertainment and Attractions for Sustainability (IDEAS)
Coordinating university: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Partner universities: Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) Breda University of applied sciences (BUas) Université Côte d’Azur (UCA)
Decision of the Specific Commission for Social Sciences of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency on the study programme (December 2023)
External review report for ex ante accreditation (December 2023)
Master in Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies
Coordinating university: Univestitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Partner universities: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Leiden University
External review report Master in Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies (certificate June 2021 - Review Report June 2020)