Students participation in AQU Catalunya
The EHEA recognises students as full members of the university community and provides for their participation in the organisation and educational content of universities and the activities of other higher education institutions.
The Berlin Communiqué, the Bergen Communiqué and the Louvain-Leuven Communiqué all make explicit mention of the need to promote the total participation of students; both Catalan and Spanish legislation (the Catalan Universities Act/LUC and the Spanish Universities Act/LOU) include clauses to this effect; and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area call for the involvement of students in universities and QA agencies, as well as their participation in quality assurance processes in these institutions.
If you are student in your final years of a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree programme, you can join AQU Catalunya’s pool of reviewers and take part in assessing university degree programmes and centres, a key to quality improvement.
Students currently participate in the Agency's activities by being part of the Governing Board, the Student Advisory Committee and the external review panels.