Labour market
The study of the employment outcomes of graduates, coordinated by AQU Catalunya, is the result of the interest of public and private Catalan universities, affiliated centres and higher arts education centres in Catalonia in obtaining data and references on the quality of their students' employment following graduation.
This study, which has been carried out every three years since 2001, covers the employment rate, the quality of employment and the skills developed. It is one of the most representative and important studies in Europe in this field.
The 8th edition of the study
In the 2023 edition, more than 1,500 degrees participated and almost 41,000 answers were collected, representing 46% of the reference population. The surveyed promotions were the following:
Bachelor's degree: 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 (Medicine 2015-2016 and 2016-2017).
higher arts education, master's degree and doctoral degree: 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.
The fieldwork was carried out between November and December 2022 in the electronic phase and between January and May 2023 in the telephone phase.