Gender labour market 2020
The survey, which is promoted by the public universities in Catalonia through their social councils, together with 12 private universities, 37 affiliated and partner schools and institutes and the Ministry of Education, is one of the most representative and important in Europe.
New developments in the 2020 questionnaire include a second survey of the population of the 2005 survey to establish gender-based differences in graduate employability 20 years after graduation.
This survey study is supported by the Institut Català de les Dones (the Catalan institute that designs, promotes and coordinates policy concerning women in society) and the Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya.
Women’s Employment Outcomes Twenty Years after Finishing University
PDF Survey
Survey year: 2020
Participating universities: UB, UAB, UPC, UPF, UdL, UdG and URV.
Reference population and sample: the reference population is formed by 10.501 graduates graduated in 2001.
Technical documentation
Excel Catàleg integrat de l'enquesta de gènere
Information regarding the source and use of personal data from the AQU Catalunya survey on access to the labour market.