Anàlisi de l’edat de les persones sol·licitants d’acreditacions de professorat

Anàlisi de l’edat de les persones sol·licitants d’acreditacions de professorat.pdf (1 MB)
AQU Catalunya has issued the report "Analysis of the age of applicants for teaching staff accreditation", an analysis focused on the ages of university professors who obtain teaching staff accreditation. The document, produced internally by the Agency at the express request of its Governing Board in July 2022, indicates that the average age at which applications for tenure-eligible lecturer accreditation are submitted is 37. Research applications, on the other hand, are submitted on average at the age of 40.8 and those for advanced research are not submitted, on average, until the age of 47. If an analysis is made by area of knowledge, in the case of Health and Medical Sciences, the average age increases between 2 and 5 years compared to the global average in all three types of accreditation. The lowest ages are found among people applying in Sciences and Engineering and Architecture.
The analysis also takes into account the variable of gender of the claimants. Among the conclusions, it is noteworthy that women apply for favourable tenure-eligible lecturer reports earlier than men – 36.7 versus 37.3 years, for research at a similar age on average – around 40, and for advanced research accreditation later than men. In the latter case, men apply for advanced research accreditation at 46.7 years, while women submit it at 47.6. Putting the data of the last 20 years into perspective, it can be seen that there is a slight increasing trend in age at all three levels of research, implying that accreditation is being obtained later and later. The analysis also shows, amongst other things, the differences that exist according to place of residence and whether the university where they are working is private or public.