Merits in management
RESOLUCIÓN REU/4680/2024, de 23 de diciembre, por la que se da publicidad al procedimiento y la certificación de la valoración de los méritos individuales docentes y de gestión del personal docente e investigador funcionario y contratado de las universidades públicas catalanas, devengados hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024, para la asignación de las retribuciones adicionales.
For assessing the management activities of teaching and research staff, Catalan public universities shall:
- Specify the time periods concerned and the nature of the work carried out by each applicant.
- Assign points according to the stipulations of Decree 405/2006, dated 24 October.
- Determine the structure and arrangement of the assessment body that will issue a finding on the management tasks carried out by each applicant.
- Submit assessment reports on the management activities of teaching and research staff to AQU Catalunya until 18 July 2025 both concerning those management merits envisaged in article 6.5 of Decree 405/2006, dated 24 October, and all other management merits, according to the report model for the assessment of management merits:
Report form [Catalan]
The Specific Committee for Teaching and Management Activity certifies assessment reports on the management activities of teaching and research staff which meet the aforesaid assessment requirements, in line with the provisions of Decree 405/2006. In particular, it is necessary to specify compliance with article 5.2.c of the Decree.
During the certification process, the Specific Committee for Teaching and Management Activity can call upon universities to provide supporting documents on their assessment processes, as pertinent.