Alliances in Catalonia
In Catalonia, the Agency interacts mainly with three stakeholder groups:
The Catalan higher education system
AQU Catalunya maintains relations with representatives from the various bodies that comprise the Catalan higher education system with the purpose of coordinating the Agency's activity.
The main agents and the activities performed are as follows:
Ministry of Research and Universities
- Cooperation with the Directorate General for Universities, drafting reports to explain the results of centre assessments with the intention of analysing educational centres' capacity to impart new degree programmes, and also to take part in the working groups to which it is invited.
- Cooperation with the Ministry of Research and Universities to promote continuous professional development and lifelong learning through the assessment of short learning programmes.
Interuniversity Council of Catalonia
- Participation in the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia's various commissions, in which we discuss issues in which the Agency is involved, either directly or indirectly: the Commission for Academic Programming and Governance, the Academic Staff Commission, the Women and Science Commission, and the General Conference.
- Participation in the 2030 Agenda working group, with the goal of defining cross-cutting actions that are common to all universities in order to accelerate implementation of the Agenda in each university.
- Participation in meetings and interaction with networks such as the International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI), the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), the Catalan University Service Consortium (CSUC), the Vives Network or the Open Science movement (promoted by the European Commission).
Catalan universities
- Talks given at Catalan universities on different issues: gender perspective, evolution of indicators, accreditation of the quality assurance system, teaching accreditation and promotion at universities and social responsibility.
The Catalan universities' student councils
- Appointment of students in the Agency's different governing and assessment bodies and student training.
The Government of Catalonia
AQU Catalunya works with the following bodies within the Government of Catalonia:
Ministry of Education
- Articulate the assessment and improvement of higher artistic study programmes.
Professional Training Council of Catalonia (Ministry of Education)
- Participation in the internal Planning and Forward Studies working group to roll out the Catalan Professional Training Strategy (2020-2030) with respect to Area 4 (forward studies and planning).
Institut Català de les Dones (Ministry of Presidency)
- AQU Catalunya works with the Institut Català de les Dones (Catalan Women's Institute) on developing studies on the employment outcome of university graduates, with regard to the gender perspective.
Statistical Institute of Catalonia
- Fostering a population-based workplace integration study based on the data held in the available censuses on the reference university graduate population. And taking part in the workplace integration project from the employers' perspective.
Social agents
“la Caixa” Foundation
- Taking part in the study of the workplace integration of university graduates from the employers' perspective.
Barcelona City Council
- Taking part in Barcelona City Council's In-forma’t campaign, which promotes activities to help young people find their academic pathway.
Professional associations
- Signing of agreements with professional associations for different purposes. Among others, compilation of data on the Catalan higher education system and taking part in the employer survey.
Secundary schools
- Organising talks at secondary schools to present the quality of higher education qualifications in Catalonia and the tools available for consultation.