AQU Catalunya's technical committee for surveys approves the fourth Employer Survey
The questionnaire will ask about the most common aspects of previous editions, and also about current issues such as double bachelor's degrees or dual training.
AQU Catalunya's Technical Committee for Surveys has approved the final survey for the next edition of the Employers Project, which aims to gather the opinion of the employer community on the training of recent graduates. The survey, which seeks to obtain evidence that can be used to improve university degrees in Catalonia, is interested in issues that have already formed been included in the past, and also in issues closely linked to the present academic and working world. Thus, in addition to asking about aspects related to recruitment, possible difficulties during the hiring process, skills to be improved in university education and the overall satisfaction of employers, the survey also looks at other more current issues within the Catalan Higher Education System. For example, double degrees, dual training, micro-credentials, online training, and more.
What will be the fourth edition of the Employers Project is aimed at gathering information about the employability of recent graduates in Catalonia. By means of a survey, information is collected about the perceptions of companies and organisations regarding the training of recently graduates, analysing it together with the data form other surveys carried out by AQU Catalunya, such as the Satisfaction and Job placement. The results of all these surveys are discussed with people who are part of the interest groups in order to finally be able to improve the degrees offered by the Catalan Higher Education System.
The Technical Committee for Surveys is chaired by the director of AQU Catalunya, Jaume Valls Pasola, and the secretary is the head of the Internationalisation and Knowledge Generation Department, Anna Prades Nebot. In total, 13 people sit on this committee; they are technicians from all the Catalan universities who are experts in conducting surveys. Together, they coordinate survey content, implement the surveys, before finally analysing the data.