AQU Catalunya takes part in the most recent Quality Audit Network meeting in Stockholm
As a member of this network, the Agency attended the meeting to share the latest methodological developments it has introduced in the field of institutional accreditation.
AQU Catalunya attended the latest meeting of the Quality Audit Network (QAN), an informal European network of quality assurance agencies. The network, which on this occasion met in Stockholm yesterday and today thanks to the organisational efforts of the Swedish agency Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), focused its meeting on rising to the quality assurance challenge to in the context of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) posed by the variety of political systems and socio-cultural traditions that exist on the old continent. For this reason, the main focus of the meeting was a discussion of the elements and criteria that can be incorporated into the methodologies to deal with this plurality in the institutional review frameworks used by the agencies that adhere to the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG), and the reasons why these issues should be included in the assessment frameworks.
AQU Catalunya's representative at the meeting was Albert Basart, coordinator of the Agency's Quality Assurance Department, who took part in the session devoted to institutional audits, reviews and accreditation. Basart explained to the attendees the latest methodological developments on institutional accreditation undertaken by the Catalan Agency.